Asheville School of Classic

Welcome to the Journey

First, I want to welcome everyone interested in finding a "Pathway" to building a Career in a dynamic, challenging, and competitive environment in the Music Industry. We at ASCR know full well that it is very difficult to make a choice... and we will help make closure in that process!

Therefore, our Methodology to help you decide, covers the study of Advanced Music Theory "Ear Training", as the basis for understanding Career options. Anyone who wants to be in the Music Business i.e., Artists, Singer-Songwriters and Composers, or Music Production Engineers and Technicians, will benefit by taking our program.

I grew up on a large, Multi-tenant Emigrant Farm in Southern Wisconsin that housed, permanent, Migrant Workers... their attitude about Life taught me a lot about collaboration amongst Workerbees. As I made my rounds, I was infected with the unique, Rhythmic Sounds they made while working... which was different from the Sounds they made after Sundown. From then on, their Sounds were full of Ballads based on each Clan's history, beliefs in the Gospel, and African and Anglo-Celtic Themes... it also included their versions of current Pop Songs, mostly from a Blues perspective.

"Music is the Universal Language of making", wrote Longfellow in 1835... it is rooted in the Theory that Music transcended Linguistic barriers between Ancient Tribes. He believed that Music has the power to convey Emotions, Inspire Thoughts and Memories, and facilitate Cross-cultural Connections... thus creating Harmony amongst those with different Values as a Universal Form of Expression. It connects People on a deeper Level increasing motivation for Harmony in their version of Songs!

All this learning about the impact of Music on Humans, and on some Animals, was the basis for my strong desire to make a Career in the Music Industry... but I did not know what that meant back then! My first incursion was when I managed 3 Wannabee Rock Bands that played weekends at Frat Jams on the weekend and on Sundays at the Beach...

I had never held a piece of Sheet Music until my Freshman year at the University of Wisconsin as an elective in Music Appreciation... and was truly baffled by how Notes and Chords could be written down and understood... ok, but, to me, it was all about what I heard my EARS! I looked at Music Theory as the basis for producing the Lyrics and Sounds of a great Song for consideration... I looked to my Ears to polish a Song up a level to be commercially successful, at least at Frat Gigs (we were paid very well cloning Songs from the 1950s-on by the likes of Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, and the Everley Bros... and more).

Note: Madison was different than Nashville in the '60s, in that the City had a population of about 200,000, of which 50,000 were full-time Students... there were 21 Bars on the main street to the Campus that all jammed to Rock, Blues and Jazz Fusion, Music... in 1958, Buddie Holly headlined the first Rock Concert and they had to close the street to cars for the mass of CRockers.

I hope the above gives you a clue as to why I am considered a Classic Rock Junkie?... also, I am proud to say that my 18-year-old Grandson is a Clarinet Audiophile and has his own Jazz Fusion Band. Everywhere I have lived since 1965, I have been directly involved with helping young Musicians understand how to innovatively adapt their Songs...

Please understand that the main prerequisite for being accepted to this program is an in-depth understanding of Music Theory I and II... there are many good online courses and YouTube videos that will help you deepen your practical use of it.


Advanced MT (Ear Training) gives Musicians and Songwriters greater comprehension of the innovative aspects of the complexity of Chords to the next level. Ear training is essential for developing Musicianship, aiding in the connection between one's Musical Mind and Instruments... it facilitates the translation of Musical ideas and Visions. Ultimately, it is a fundamental Skill that brings them closer to achieving their Musical Goals and enhances their overall Musicianship... learning how to listen to a Demo and immediately be able to identify potential Refinements can move your skill set dramatically.

William W. Nelson...

Whose Idol (the Real Willie) turned 9i in 2024... I wish you many more... stay well and Rock On ♪♪♪