Asheville School of Classic

Asheville School of Classic Rock

A "Tuition-Free" Master Program in the Music Industry

Our Long Term Vision

Our long Term Vision is in 3 Parts:

  1. Have the ASCR BETA Site ready for Students in the Spring of 2024 using professionals to refine the Structure and Content

  2. Franchise our Program Statewide in the US... then internationally in Major Cities... and beyond.

  3. By 2027, have created a Spacious Recording Studio that is fully equipped with High-end Recording Equipment and the ability to create Music Videos.

    It will be Staffed with Apprenticed Sound Engineers and Production Technicians to make high-quality recordings and Videos.

    In our "Wildest Dreams"... create a full-fledged recording Studio that releases Production Tracks and Albums

Student Counseling

Counseling is available in Pre and Post Class Sessions on an as-needed basis for the understanding of course content. Students will send an email to the Instructor outlining their need(s)...

If the need is deemed personal, a video Conference will be scheduled to deal with it... action items will be created with follow-ups planned.

If it is deemed worthy to the whole Class, it will be discussed in the appropriate Pre or Post with follow-ups planned... if it is necessary, Professionals will be brought in to make closure.

In week 3, a Mentor will be assigned to each Student based on the Pathway(s) assembled to meet the criteria for the positions the Student selects... an assessment will be made for further Education or Eraining.

NO Student will be left behind! Rock On ♪♪♪

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Founded by Willie W. Nelson...

The Team strives to bring in the best Talent in the Music Industry to Instruct and Mentor Students to give them the best opportunity to excel in their chosen CR Fields... Artists, Songwriters, Producers, and Sound Engineers.

Also, our success will depend on the ability to secure Volunteers to support our effort... the list will be determined once we are LIVE in 2025

Willie W. Nelson

Founder and Teacher
